Monday, 19 December 2011
It's that time again
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Good morning...even if it was early
All our fish were taken on the polaris float, a great way to catch the carp and a break from simply listening to the alarms. Thanks Jeff for the session, throughly enjoyed as always.
Brian my neighbour has just been round for a beer and a chat, arrangements made for golf on Tuesday at Upper Canada, can't wait.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Bad weather approaches
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
What a bummer....................then
Nice short session
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Heatwave over
Word has it that the carp are starting to feed so Monday may see the first proper session down at the Dam, I'm already looking forward to it.
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Holiday weekend
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
If carlsberg did airports...................................
Surely it's not rocket science to stagger incoming aircraft so that this ridiculous situation doesn't occur or perhaps they just don't give a toss. Either way something needs to be done, maybe next time it might be a flight to Ottawa.
Friday, 30 September 2011
House Renovations

From left to right
November 2007, May 2010, September 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
New York, New York

Friday, 8 July 2011
Yesterday Thursday was a golf day with 3 friends at Cornwall Golf and Country Club, shot 78 which wasn't bad, then we were down to the Blue Anchor Restaurant on the waterfront for a lovely meal and a few beers.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Meet Catman Joe
Monday, 20 June 2011
Bit of a disappointment
Saturday, 18 June 2011
They're at it again
Friday, 17 June 2011
A good day at the office
On a non-fishing note, the Boston Bruins have just beaten the Vancouver Canucks to win the Stanley Cup in ice hockey after a seventh game decider in Vancouver, this didn't go down well with the thousands watching on big screens in the streets as riots followed with cars overturned and set on fire, 3 people stabbed, shops looted, and major damaged committed. All in the name of sport.
Sunday, 12 June 2011
The young-un shows the way
Thursday saw a return the island view swim, spawning activity was starting to decrease even if the temperatures weren't. Action again was very slow to start with but picked up by lunchtime and then got hectic for a couple of hours, in that time Joe managed 8 fish with a pb on the float of 26lbs-8ozs.....................I trailed behind with only 6 fish and a best of 24lbs-6ozs. By the time we reached home the air temp was approaching the 90's again, it's more like Florida than Canada at the moment.
Friday saw us once again back in our now familiar swim but this time activity was at a premium. We had intended to fish all day but with very little surface activity and only 3 small fish by early afternoon, we decided to call it a day. It seems that this swim is now finished for the season, once the fish have moved in to spawn they then move to deeper water out as the water temps increase in the shallows.....I am already looking forward to next May. We called in at the Motel on our way back, evidently all the guests were catching fish, big ones as well in the well known swims, for us Saturday and Sunday are days around the house, then on Monday its back down to the Power Dam, let's see if we can get Joe his 30.
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Anyway on Monday we decided to fish from the bank close to the Marina, a swim that I had fished a few weeks earlier with Stuart, the weather was very hot and by lunchtime we had only 2 fish to show for our efforts......Joe had one around 11 and I had one which I would have put money on being a 30 but weighed in at 26-12. We decided we were flogging a dead horse by staying longer and packed up by 1pm. On the way home the temp was being shown at 94 degrees F.
The boat had developed engine problems over the weekend and was being repaired in the Marina, I got a call Monday evening that all was now fixed and we could take it out Tuesday.
We arrived at the Marina at 6.45am and decided to have breakfast first in the restaurant, copious amounts of coffee along with bacon, eggs, sausage and toast were devoured before we set off for my newly named ''island view'' swim ( romantic dont you think). Boy were we in for a shock, masses of floating weed covered the bay where hundreds of carp were busy thrashing about in spawning mode. Some just lay there and we were nearly able to touch them. Eventually after removing weed from the prop on more than one occasion, we reached the swim. I think we both knew we were wasting our time and with only 1 fish before lunch, we headed home making a few detours on the way, checking out possible fish holding areas. I told Joe not to be despondant, in a few days time things will change and the place will catch fire, just wait and see.
Wednesday was lie in day......well 8am, followed by office work all morning, we had a drive down to the power dam in the afternoon for a spin for walleye but the water is very high and still on the cold side, another week or two will be needed until this fishes me thinks
We aim to go out early Thursday morning, we'll see what that brings.
Saturday, 4 June 2011
A slow start..........................then
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Wow its windy
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Back out on the water
Tomorrow I will be back out as wind is forecast so we could have a better day.......fingers crossed.
Now where did I leave that lawnmower.
Friday, 27 May 2011
Mirror, Mirror.......................
There were some very big fish showing themselves and I was looking forward to returning back today but the rain is banging down, it's windy and I am not well at the moment so hopefully will be out tomorrow.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
The girls are back in town
It's behind you......................
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
It's not all about catching........but it helps
Well today the lads have returned home after what can only been described as one of the worst May weeks for bloody ages. Cold east winds with rain, rain and more rain together with cold water temperatures have all managed to hamper catching, but they did get a few 20's in the harsh conditions along with some smaller ones. I will post more on the catch when Wazzy gives me the info.
Despite the fishing we managed to have a good time, Wazzy revealed his latest purchase which I must say did actually work, Grumpies sold more Chicken Wings in the week than in the whole of last season and on wednesday Marion and Jeff gave us a superb barbeque, thanks lads for letting me stay over for those two nights.
Last night we had a few beers and games of pool at my house before Wazzy slipped out in the early hours of this morning to bag 14 carp to 26lbs to finish off the holiday.
The company was great, shame about the fishing, I will miss you boys and we will have to do it again some year maybe.
Monday, 16 May 2011
Its miserable out here
Saturday, 14 May 2011
It’s been a long time since my last post so what’s been happening. On the fishing front I decided to go back to the commercials fishing the pole and waggler, not the carp ‘puddles’ as they are referred to by some, but to fisheries containing roach and good quality Ide which have provided great sport and I must say I have enjoyed it immensely.
On the 4th May I was back at the consultant to discuss the results of my MRI scan.
Then on the Thursday the 5th it was over to Manchester airport to pick up our neighbours from Canada who are over on holiday for a couple of weeks. They were staying with us for a few days so Saturday saw us in York for the day, it’s a long time since I had visited the city and I had forgot how interesting a place it was. It is unfortunate however that they feel the need to charge such ridiculous entry fees into the various places of interest. The following day we were off to the east coast, first Pickering, then on to Whitby followed by Scarborough and Filey before returning home. Sunday saw us at Chatsworth house….not my scene really but I must say I did enjoy every minute of it and the house is well worth the entrance fee. On Monday I took them down to Milton Keynes where they were meeting up with their friends to continue their holiday and maybe have a rest.
Wednesday 11th May and I was off to Heathrow for my flight out to Montreal. Having made good time from Kings Cross to the airport I then found out the flight was delayed by 3 hours…….. better than the day before though as that flight didn’t go at all due to damage caused to the aircraft by airport personnel evidently, so a larger plane had to be provided to take the extra passengers. Anyway I am here now and it’s good to be back.
Today Friday……first day fishing, I decided to fish a new swim. It turned out to be very slow with only 1 run resulting in a carp of 15.1/2 lbs, fishing is hard at the moment due to the cold water temperature, however the air temp today reached 79 degrees and the water temp in the margins was 61, so fishing should improve even though the forecast is poor for the next couple of days with rain on its way
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
A not so merry christmas
Still it’s not life threatening and there are people out there much worse off than me, so onwards and upwards as they say………..tight lines all.