So this is it, the last full session for my May trip, Dave and I had discussed where to fish the night before and decided on the Pontoon swim, mainly because a) it had been seriously baited for a couple of weeks b) it is a known swim for producing big fish and c) it is next to the restaurant where they serve big breakfasts and loads of coffee. I arrived at approx 5.30am and Dave was already there and after spodding out plenty of particles we sat back and waited. After about an hour there were fish crashing out all over but the going was slow, so slow that by 4pm we had only caught 4 fish between us but as we had been working hard all day putting the bait out, we decided to fish on for a couple more hours…………..what a great decision that was, despite the fact that all fish activity on the surface had now stopped, the fish went on the feed and during the next 3 hours we added another 13 fish. It was during this period that the moment I had waited for over the last four years finally arrived, the take was slower than normal and the fish held station just taking line as and when it pleased. It took probably ten minutes before I saw the fish and as it came to the net I saw the biggest fish I had ever caught in my life. Safely in the net I lifted it out of the water and Dave confirmed it was a big fish, I could hardly bear to look at the scales as they registered 32lbs on the dot (photo above), needless to say I was ecstatic and looking at the fish it was so beautiful with absolutely no sign of spawning. A quick call to Jeff to let him know, a shake of Daves’ hand and a couple of photos and she was safely released. I cast out again and within 5 minutes was into a 23.5, not bad for 2 runs. We finished the session with 17 fish………a 32, 2 x 20’s and all the rest big doubles on a great day shared with a great mate in a great place, what could be better.
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