6am Monday, boat loaded and off to the swim visited yesterday, gear out of the boat and a bit of trimming to the foliage and we were all set. The water here is only 4ft max but very coloured and I have seen fish swim past my legs in the margins previously. Tactics were to fish the polaris float combined with 2 grains of corn and one artifical piece, feeding corn with the catapult. 5 minutes after casting in the reel screamed off and after a brutal fight a 19lb common was in the net. By the end of the session I had caught 12 fish best going 23-4, the weather had been hot and looking down at my feet I realised just how hot, they were well and truly toasted ( will I ever learn).
Upon reaching the marina things really went belly up as I had one of my bad neuralgia attacks, this has ensured that I have been pretty much house bound since although I am feeling slightly better now, eating is still a problem but must be patient. I am hoping to be out again maybe sunday when the winds are forecast to be from the West. Here's hoping.

I love this swim, nice and cosy
A good start. Hopefully the neuralgia will improve.Is that a plastic goose in the pictures or a very tame live one?
Tis a plastic one that I found in the reeds