So the Canada experience has come to an abrupt end, whilst out for my last and final visit in 2014, we decided that the travelling was too much and that we would put the house on the market. Well whilst out for my months' vacation in May 2014, I managed to sell the house, sell the car, sell the boat and arrange for all the house items we wanted to keep to be sent home. I can tell you that by the time I boarded

the plane for the final time in Montreal, I was absolutely knackered.
It was indeed a very sad time, we made many friends where we lived, the fishing was fantastic but as said earlier 19 hours door to door was just too much and we did make the right decision of that I am sure.
So as they say, one door closes and another opens. I have decided to re-start the blog and bring it up to date, I hope you will find it interesting.